Running 30 minutes a day improves sleep quality
Regularly feel tired or lethargic on the job? You aren’t alone - the hectic nature of modern life means many have difficulty sleeping, affecting concentration during the day. Morning exercise has not only been found to help those with sleep disorders - such as insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and sleep apnea – but improve the sleep quality of most adults. If you suffer from the 3am slump, take up the run commute for a couple of weeks, and see if there is an uptick in your sleep quality/energy levels.
Taking control of your day
Running to work isn’t just about swapping your commute it’s about transforming your energy, mindset, and productivity before the workday even begins.
From boosting focus and reducing stress to saving time and improving sleep, the benefits of a run commute go far beyond fitness, giving you the mental clarity and alertness needed to really shine in your job. And that’s not even to mention the financial savings.
For some, there will of course be practical constraints that make running to work simply not possible. But with the right planning and mindset, it’s could be an opportunity to take control of day. So go wild, put your best foot forward, and unleash the power of the run commute.
A consistent running routine increases the production of these proteins. By forging new neural connections, you are building inner strength and resilience. New parts of you are being unleashed, allowing you to heal, and move on to brighter and better things.
And brain rewiring is only part of the story. The runner’s high is a chemical reaction that gives you that feeling of euphoria during a run, and whose positive effects can have a dramatic long-term impact – again helping you to move on.
Healing in Motion
Running has also been proven to be a great way to restore a sense of control.
Getting out there and kitting up can be hard. By doing it day after day, you set a positive cadence to your life. An upward rhythm that breaks the sense of powerlessness and spiraling down’.
Each step is proof that you are rebuilding, getting stronger, moving forward. And by locking yourself into a routine, you give your life more structure: something to ground yourself in on those darker days.
Running is a type of moving mediation. It can be hard to carve out headspace when you’re at home, endlessly replaying old conversations and memories. But on the road, feeling the fire in you muscle fibers, hearing the pound of each heartbeat, you can achieve a heightened sense of mindfulness.
And of course, running doesn’t have to be a solo sport. Running clubs are all the rage, meaning it’s never been easier to get out, meet new people, and be part of the friendly running community.
Keep moving forward
Healing is never a sprint. It can be tough, and there’s bound to be slips and falls on the way.
It takes courage to set up a running routine – and even more courage to stick to it. But as you move on, a new, stronger, more positive version of you will emerge.
With each mile you stack, the closer are to reaching a brighter future. So, if you’re experiencing a breakup, lace up, and run wild. Relish those moments of mindfulness. And lose yourself in that runner’s high.